Conquer your toughest challenges.
Achieve your biggest successes.
Our full-stack solution is perfect for scaling your businesses.
Start your journey today with a free consultation!

Wayne Einhorn is a 40-year veteran in real estate. He’s made a lasting impact as an agent, broker, coach, and mortgage provider. Having thrived through 3 major recessions in the real estate market, his perspective and tools are of special value today.
Wayne has fused his special skills, unique system, expansive experience and proven strategies into the Inner Circle Broker Coaching program. And, he has trained a cadre of coaches to help brokers excel in their business.
Check out what Inner Circle Broker Coaching can do for you.
Your Reliable Ally in Elevating Your Brokerage’s Success
For the last 20 years, Wayne and his Inner Circle Broker Coaching team have helped new brokerages succeed and established brokerages to exceed their expectations.
“In 2008, brokers would ask me “How do I survive this market”? I told them “Hire a coach”. “I can’t afford it” they would say. I hired a coach and today, none of them are here and our business has grown by 300 percent. My advice is the same to you. Hire a coach.”
“My partner and I hired ICBC when we had 10 or 12 agents. Today, we are closing in on a hundred. Coaching was instrumental in that growth. It saved us years and years of trial and error. Coaching doesn’t cost money, not having someone to coach and guide you costs money.”
“As a result of coaching we actually have a real business plan and goals covering all of the different areas of our brokerage. “I’ve been a real estate broker for 37 years, and I would say for anyone considering ICBC to help them, they should run not walk. As soon as you can. The one regret I do have, is not doing it sooner”
“ICBC has shown me a different way to recruit. It’s not the same strategy as many other well known coaches out there. It’s a different way to do things…it’s much simpler…It’s just a different process and it’s made a huge impact on my recruiting results.”
Is Coaching Right for You?
Have you ever wondered if you need a coach, or if coaching would be helpful for you at this point in time? Maybe you’re not sure what coaching actually entails, and you’d like to know more. Or perhaps you’re on the lookout for a new coach and would like to find out more about how we might work together.
Wayne and the ICBC coaches have years of experience running his or her own brokerage. The consultation call will give you a chance to share your goals and objectives for coaching, find out more about the coaching process and work out if Inner Circle Broker Coaching is right for you.

The Inner Circle Broker Coaching Program
Our all-in-one solution, including proven systems, custom software, workshops, and coaching, ensures rapid and sustained growth.

So, if you want to….
- Attract more experienced and productive agents
- Minimize attrition
- Increase income and profitability
- Maximize the value of your brokerage