Golden Ticket: Recruiting Strategies that Really Work

Discover a whole new set of strategies and tools to successfully recruit high performing, experienced agents. If you want a strategy that works, backed up by technology that empowers the implementation of your actions, then you need to attend our upcoming event. The recruiting game has undergone a significant transformation, rendering old strategies ineffective.  Numerous […]


Financial Management for Real Estate Brokers

Are you afraid to examine your financial statements?  Does their lack of clarity lead you to believe that reviewing them is a futile use of your valuable time? If you avoid looking at these critical reports, your expose yourself to unnecessary risks and actually create more work for yourself in the long run.  Without a […]


Budgeting Process

Virtual Event Virtual Event

ICBC 100+ Meeting

Managing your Pipeline

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Member Event: November Recruiting Club

Golden Ticket: Profitability Conundrum: Look Behind the Black Curtain

In a landscape defined by low average margins, relentless pricing pressures, and soaring fixed costs, it's baffling how some brokers barely scrape by while others rake in profits that defy industry norms. Lets face it: there's no conventional school where real estate brokers can learn the inner workings of a truly successful business model.  And […]


Bold Predictions

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Member Event: December Recruiting Club

Buying & Selling a Real Estate Brokerage

On the buy side, the next 5 years will present the biggest opportunity to grow by acquisition in the last 50 years of the real estate industry. On the sell side, monetizing your cash flow by selling your brokerage is easier today than ever before.  Usually, the missing link for success in either of these […]


Leading vs Selling

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Member Event: February Recruiting Club
