Cash is King

Profitability cannot be achieved in the real estate brokerage business until someone sells a house.  So much energy is expended on agent productivity. But, is it really driving the results you are after? Join me and find out how the EDI Agent Enterprise Resource Planning system is revolutionizing how brokers and agents plan their businesses […]


Predictions for next year – Making 2023 your best year ever

It has been said that experience occurs when you learn by making a mistake yourself and wisdom occurs when you learn from others success and mistakes. Anticipating and preparing for the coming market cycles can make things so much easier. Work hard but work smart. Join me in a discussion of what almost 40 years […]


Recession Proof Your Business-(Invitation Only)

It has been said that experience occurs when you learn by making a mistake yourself and wisdom occurs when you learn from others success and mistakes. Anticipating and preparing for the coming market cycles can make things easier. Join me at the Special Coaching Event and gain the wisdom of what I have learned to […]


FREE – Mergers & Acquisitions

If you don’t take advantage of this market shift, someone else will. Do you have an airtight strategy?

There is a generational opportunity upon us. About 30% of the market share is going to change hands in the next 10 years. It won’t happen again in our lifetime.

Join me on Wednesday, February 15th at 2:00 PM EST for a conversation on simplifying the buying and selling of a brokerage and managing the downside risk to maintain value. Plus we’ll touch on how to drive up the value of your business.


Honing your Presentation

2023 is off with a bang and we are seeing recruiting results skyrocket with the changing market.

We had a powerful January workshop and I want to follow-up in February with more hands on tools that you can use to drive results.
In our last workshop, we focused on your "Because" statement - a powerful addition to your telephone dialogue.

In our February workshop, I want to add to that arsenal talk and give you voicemail and text strategies.
My goal for you is that your Dream Team is connecting with you in a whole new way in 2023.

Join us February 21 @ 2:00pm Eastern for the next power packed workshop!