Honing your Presentation

2023 is off with a bang and we are seeing recruiting results skyrocket with the changing market.

We had a powerful January workshop and I want to follow-up in February with more hands on tools that you can use to drive results.
In our last workshop, we focused on your "Because" statement - a powerful addition to your telephone dialogue.

In our February workshop, I want to add to that arsenal talk and give you voicemail and text strategies.
My goal for you is that your Dream Team is connecting with you in a whole new way in 2023.

Join us February 21 @ 2:00pm Eastern for the next power packed workshop!

Opportunity Tsunami Update: Recruiting Club


The Summer of 2023 will be our best recruiting opportunity in a decade. Join us for Recruiting Club, where we will continue the discussion on the Opportunity Tsunami, Tuesday, June […]

Managing your Pipeline

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Member Event: November Recruiting Club

Bold Predictions

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Member Event: December Recruiting Club

Leading vs Selling

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Member Event: February Recruiting Club
